Beautiful Garden Rooms in Liverpool

Visit our Partner Site Easysheds Ltd

At Eazy Garden Rooms, we provide a comprehensive service to design, install and maintain your new garden room, transforming your home and creating a beautiful space for you to enjoy. Contact our team now for more information on our garden rooms.

A complete service

Garden rooms are a great addition to any home. Whether you want a place to relax or are planning to create a bar area, games room or anything else, we can help you create an amazing garden room. We can take your project from conception to completion, so you only have to deal with one company and get everything you need.

Built to your specifications

We work with you to understand your requirements so we can design and build a garden room to your exact specifications. We can even do plastering, plumbing, flooring and electrics. Just speak to our team in Liverpool today and we can start working on your design.

Get your free quote

If you are thinking about getting a garden room for your home, then contact our team to find out more and get your free quote. We are always here to help and answer any questions you may have, so you can be fully informed before you go ahead.

Get a free quote on your new garden room. Just call us on 0151 525 0004.